The 8th ARCH_RNT (2024) will be held in Kalamata, Greece from 10 to 12 October, 2024, organized by the Laboratory of Archaeometry, University of the Peloponnese (UoP).
The Pylos Geoarchaeological Field School provides a unique opportunity for undergraduate students in anthropology, archaeology, and sciences to participate in full-scale projects, including extensive surface survey, excavation, conservation, laboratory analysis of artefacts/geoarchaeological materials, as well as aerial/ground survey (UAS, TLS, etc.).
Έναρξη Δεύτερου Κύκλου του Μοριοδοτούμενου Προγράμματος ΚΛΙΜΑΤΙΚΗ ΑΛΛΑΓΗ - ΠΕΡΙΒΑΛΛΟΝ - ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΣ31/1/2024
Γνωρίστε το πρόγραμμα ΚΕΔΙΒΙΜ "Κλιματική Αλλαγή - Περιβάλλον - Πολιτισμός" συνεργασία του Πανεπιστημίου Πελοποννήσου και του ΙΕΚ Ορίζων/Εκπαιδευτήρια Μπουγά.
The applications for the 10th Academic year (2023-2024) of MSc Cultural Heritage Materials & Technologies - CultTech are open!!! Studies in the interdisciplinary field of Archaeological Science aim to bridge the gap between archaeology and the physical sciences. CultTech MSc is designed to provide broad but detailed theoretical knowledge, as well as practical experience in the major applications of science in archaeology.
The MSc program is mainly addressed to graduates of schools of heritage conservation, archaeology, cultural heritage, material science and engineering. Graduates of similar or relevant fields are also welcome to apply. Applications can be submitted until March 15th. Apply today! 👉 Find more about MSc CultTech here. Σας προσκαλούμε στην Ημερίδα Παρουσίασης του «Γεωαρχαιολογικού Προγράμματος της Πύλου 2021-2025», που θα πραγματοποιηθεί στις 29 Νοεμβρίου 2023, ώρα 6 μ.μ. στο αμφιθέατρο «Ν. Πολίτης» (Παλαιό Στρατόπεδο Καλαμάτας).
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