In-Person Presentation
Posters must be A0 in size and portrait in orientation (90 cm in width and 120 cm in height). Printed posters must be handed to the registration desk during registration and will be mounted by the ARCH_RNT Secretariat.
Online Poster Session
Break Out Rooms will be created with the number of the poster and the name of the first author in the Zoom platform. Authors of each poster should join the corresponding Break Out Room and show their poster through ‘Share Screen’ option. Participants will be able to join the different Break Out Rooms and interact with the authors.
Posters must be A0 in size and portrait in orientation (90 cm in width and 120 cm in height). Printed posters must be handed to the registration desk during registration and will be mounted by the ARCH_RNT Secretariat.
Online Poster Session
Break Out Rooms will be created with the number of the poster and the name of the first author in the Zoom platform. Authors of each poster should join the corresponding Break Out Room and show their poster through ‘Share Screen’ option. Participants will be able to join the different Break Out Rooms and interact with the authors.